


 제품은 최대 흡수를 보장하는 리포솜 기술을 사용하여 노화 방지항당화 특성을 가지도록 디자인된 매우 강화된 기능식품 음료입니다.  당사의 가장 독점적인 제품으로 최고 품질의 25가지 원료가 혼합되어 시너지 효과를 냅니다 뛰어난 Beauty Sparkle 좋은 피부 조건을 유지하는  도움이   아니라 고품격의 항노화 라이프 스타일 추구에도 최고의 선택입니다 

Availability: 품절


리뷰 (1)

  • Energy and Clarity
    I don\'t usually write reviews. However, this product amazes me. I\'ve been taking it for 3 weeks now. Can\'t say that I look any younger (kinda wish I did), but my energy level is through the roof!! I feel super motivated and able to deal with all the challenges from work with ease. I came to this conclusion because I really haven\'t done anything differently except for actively taking this product. So to anyone that\'s considering trying it out. I say go for it. See for yourself.
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Beauty Spark TM 

오가닉 뷰티와 무결점 피부를 위한 
천연 추출물만 사용한 트라수티컬 음료 
프리미엄한 성분 레강트한  드라마틱한 효과 
10년 전의 퍼펙 피부로 돌아가세요 
뉴질랜드산 천연성분만 사용   Made in USA

뷰티 스파크는 세계에서 가장 효능이 뛰어난 12개 유효성분을 과학적 원리에 근거하여 배합한 제품으로 다음과 같은 효능효과가 있습니다. 

  • 탄력있고 생기있는 건강한 피부 

  • 활성산소로부터 피부세포막을 보호 

  • 다크서클 및 색소침착 개선 

  • 피부 항산화 작용- NF-kB(염증유발전사인자)를 억제하여 피부트러블 예방 

  • 자외선A로 인한 손상 및 비정상세포 증식 방지 

  • 피부지질막에서의 항염증 촉진 

  • 주름개선 

  • 산화질소합성효소 활성화로 혈류개선 및 혈액순환 촉진 

  • 혈당조절 및 체중관리 

  • PPARα(전사인자활성화로 혈중지질 및 콜레스테롤 저하 

  • 장수유전자(SIRT1) 활성화 

  • DNA 회복능력 향상암세포 자살 유도 

  • 심혈관내 엔도텔린-1 분비 

  • 두뇌건강 및 인지기능 향상- ERK1/2, 도파민아세틸콜린 활성화로 부교감신경 활성화 

  • 안티에이징산화스트레스로 인한 활성산소 억제 

뷰티스파크 과학적으로 증명된 활성 성분인 레스베라트롤테로스틸벤코엔자임Q10, 블랙커런트 안토시아닌  8가지 중요 비타민과 미네랄을 배합하여 만든 고품질의 안전한 제품입니다. 
뷰티스파크 함유된 유효성분은 시험관 실험동물실험임상 실험 등을 통한 다양한 연구결과에 기반하고 있으며흡수율을 향상시키는 최신 나노기술을 도입하여 과학적으로 설계되었습니다. 
비전스마트센터 안티에이징  피부관리 기술 변화에 대응하여최고품질의 제품과 함께 유익한 건강 정보를 제공하기 위해 계속 힘쓰고 있습니다. 


뷰티스파크는 1일 1병 음용을 권장드리며, 최적의 효과를 위해서는 수가  되도록 식후에 섭취하시면 좋습니다. 또한 음용 시 물에 희석시켜서 드실 수 있으나, 이 경우에는 희석 후 30분 이내에 드시기 바랍니다. (너무 오래 방치하시면 성분에 손상이 생기거나 효과가 어지게 될 수 있기 때문입니다.) 
단기 중 케어 효과를 원하실 때는 최단 5일 연속으로 음용하시는 것이 좋으며, 
30~60일 이상 매일 음용하실 때 가장 뛰어난 스킨케어 효과를 으실 수 있습니다. 

%1일영양소기준치: 2,000kcal를 기준으로 한 비율 

**영양소기준치 미설정 영양소 
기타 원료:블랙커런트 리사카라이드 농축주스(Brix68),블랙커런트 농축주스(Brix65), 
정제수,포도 농축주스,기타 과일주스,레시틴,스테비아,조산나트륨 
불포함 원료:  밀,호밀,귀리,수수,보리,루텐,계란,유제품,효모, 
뷰티스파크는 단기간 음용으로도 일정 효과를 기대할 수 있으나, 
최상의 효과를 위해서는 최소30~60일간 음용하실 것을 권장합니다. 

What does Vision Smart Center do to ensure the quality of VSC products?  

1. Premium Quality of Raw Materials (Purity, Safety and potency) 
Vision Smart Center uses the world's most reputable ingredients suppliers and GMP certified manufacturing facilities for all ingredients and VSC Products. Our Operation Team scientifically selects and uses only premium quality ingredients that go into VSC supplements. Those ingredients are strictly selected not from cost but only from purity, potency, scientific research data.. 

2. Scientifically Supported 
Vision Smart Center uses ingredients and dosages that accurately replicate the most successful results obtained in scientific studies for maximum efficacy. Our Research Team assesses quality published clinical research for each ingredient and their health benefits. Each ingredient is then carefully selected by formulation experts and research specialists for their synergistic effectiveness. 

3. Safely and Ethically Produced 
Vision Smart Center is in strict compliance with GMP standard for manufacturing, packaging and storage. Our Production Team has strict ethical guidelines: Ingredients and products must comply with environmental policies, be sustainably produced, environmentally friendly, and not to take advantage of any people. 

4. VSC Product Guaranteed  
Vision Smart Center strictly implement the additional third party testing to confirm and ensure that products meet VSC’s high standards for purity, safety and efficacy. 

Recommended use: As a dietary supplement, take one bottle per day with food or as recommended by a physician.