Omega-3's FOUR Times More Effective with GLA!!!
Synergistic Enhancement with Blackcurrant Seed Oil GLA
Exciting human clinical research, from scientists at the University of Guelph in Canada, has found in less than 1 month treatments that combined GLA with the Fish oil Omega-3's EPA and DHA improved the effectiveness of lowering 'bad' LDL cholesterol by over 4 times! (Compared with treatments using EPA and DHA without GLA).
A recent clinical study demonstrated the powerful synergistic effects of combining GLA with Omega-3 oils EPA and DHA. After only 28 days of supplementation the GLA, EPA and DHA combination reduced LDL cholesterol (a risk factor for heart disease) by as much as 11.3% compared with only a 2.3% drop with EPA and DHA alone!!
• Encouraging Healthy Brain Development,
• Promoting Cognitive Performance and Improving Heart Health
• Key components in regular brain chemistry
• Shown to positively affect mood in clinical studies
• Demonstrated benefits for brain activity including, memory, attention and reaction time
• Potential prevention of cognitive decline (including Alzheimer's)
• Helps maintain eye health and function
• Shown to play a large role during children's brain and eye development plus, shown to help children suffering from learning disorders
• Produces powerful prostaglandins responsible for anti-inflammatory reactions
• Contributes to rebalancing Omega 3: Omega 6 ratios reducing unhealthy inflammation levels (helping with conditions such as joint pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis)
• Helps lower unhealthy cholesterol and encourage 'good' cholesterol levels for heart health
• Promotes overall health and longevity

Health Benefits of Omega-3's
Omega-3's are a type of Fatty Acid that are used throughout the body. Two types, which are commonly found in fish, have been shown to be very beneficial to health (EPA and DHA). Unfortunately, most western diets consist of very little fish and much more red meat (which contain Omega-6's). This imbalance is believed to be responsible for many health problems! Medical professionals recommend Omega-3s (either through eating fish or taking supplements) to promote good health.
There are hundreds of studies on omega-3s that show they may provide some benefits to a wide range of diseases including: cardiovascular disease, cancer, asthma, depression, ADHD, and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Omega-3's and Heart Health
The most comprehensive research has shown Omega-3's EPA and DHA provide protection against heart and cardiovascular disease. Reducing risk of complications such as sudden death, cardiac death, stroke and myocardial infarction (heart attack). Other studies have also shown they help maintain normal heart rate, blood flow, blood pressure and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels!
Blackcurrant GLA Health Benefits
Blackcurrant Seed Oil Helps Lower the Risk of Heart Disease!
The GLA and Omega-3 Fatty acid content found in Blackcurrant Seed Oil has been shown to improve cardiovascular health in a number of ways:
- Lowering levels of 'Bad' LDL Cholesterol (which can lead to Arteriosclerosis)
- Increasing levels of 'Good" HDL Cholesterol
- Inhibiting platelet aggregation (that lead to blood clots)
- Blood vessel dilating effects (improving blood flow and circulation)

Healthy Cholesterol Levels That Lower the Risk of Heart Disease
Lowering LDL (Bad) Cholesterol: Preventing Plaque Up and Atherosclerosis
Too much Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood slowly builds up in the arteries that flow to the heart and brain. This build up forms hard plaques that cause the arteries to narrow and become less flexible (known as atherosclerosis). If a clot forms in these arteries, it can block the flow of blood to the heart and/or brain resulting in a heart attack or stroke respectively.
Rats Fed GLA had Reduced Cholesterol Levels Compared with Control
Clinical Trial Finds GLA enhances OMEGA-3's over 4 times!!
Increasing HDL (Good) Cholesterol:
Helping Remove Bad Cholesterol From the Arteries
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is known as "good" cholesterol. Higher levels of HDL appear to have protective qualities against heart disease while low HDL levels increase the risk of heart disease. It is thought that HDL cholesterol moves cholesterol away from the arteries and to the liver where it can be processed out of the body. Some experts believe that HDL can even remove excess cholesterol from arterial plaque, slowing its buildup.
GLA has been shown to help not only decrease the levels of bad LDL cholesterol but to also increase the levels of good HDL cholesterol. One study from researchers at the University of Chile found supplemental GLA (like that sound in Blackcurrant Seed Oil) was able to improve HDL cholesterol levels in humans by 22%!
Blackcurrant Seed Oil Helps Prevent Plaque Build Up in Arteries Reducing the Risk of Atherosclerosis and Heart Disease
Dilating Blood Vessels to Improve Circulation and Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, means the heart needs to work harder to pump blood around the body. This condition can cause damage to organs and the body's senses, it has been closely linked to a shortened lifespan.
Fortunately, researchers have found blackcurrant seed oil GLA is able to effectively dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. One study (involving 27 borderline hypertensive male volunteers) found that, after only 8 weeks of blackcurrant seed oil supplementation, subjects had a significant reduction in diastolic blood pressure with inhibition to blood pressure cardiovascular reactivity by over 40%!.
Combining the Highest Quality Natural Oils Around The World
SUPER DHA + EPA +GLA is a first of its kind product formulation, made with premium Blackcurrant Seed Oil and wild Pollock Fish Oil sourced from pristine environments at opposite edges of the world!
The Purest New Zealand Blackcurrant Seed Oil
Pure Blackcurrant Seed Oil is carefully extracted from the world's highest quality Blackcurrants. These fruit, grown exclusively in New Zealand, owe their reputation as 'King of Berries' to New Zealand's clean water, fresh air, fertile land and perfect climate. Blackcurrant Seed Oil is a rare source of the healthy fatty acid: Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA), a unique Omega fatty acid with amazing health properties.
Sustainably Caught Alaskan Pollock Fish Oil
Wild caught Pollock Fish Oil is obtained from the far reaches of earth, in the untouched waters off the Alaskan coast. This fish is the world's premiere source of Omega oils, rich in the high health Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. To ensure adequate supply of this natural resource for future generations, the Alaskan Pollock fish used in SUPER DHA + EPA + GLA is caught using carefully monitored certified sustainable techniques.
The Most Comprehensive Brain and Heart
Omega-3/GLA Oil Supplement Available That Helps:
- Key Components of Regular Brain Chemistry
- Clinical Evidence Supporting Mood Enhancing Effect
- Reduced Risk of Cognitive Decline (Including Alzheimer's and Dementia)
- Improvements to Brain Activity Including Memory Attention and Reaction Time
- Reduces 'Bad' Cholesterol and Promotes 'Good' Cholesterol for Cardiovascular Health
- Anti-thrombotic effects reducing risk of atherosclerosis (hardened arteries)
- Anti-arrhythmic effects reducing risk of blood clots (that lead to stroke and heart attack)
- Anti-inflammatory effects contributing to lower heart disease risk
The Highly Researched Synergistic Effects of Omega-3 and GLA Fatty Acids
Omega-3 DHA, EPA and GLA Fatty Acids have been the subject of hundreds of laboratory and clinical human research studies around the world. These studies have shown that, when all three are taken together, they synergistically deliver incredible brain and heart health benefits!
"According to both primary and secondary prevention studies, consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, fish, and fish oil reduces all-cause mortality and various Cardio Vascular Disease outcomes such as sudden death, cardiac death, and myocardial infarction" - The National Institute for Health (NIH)
A First Of Its Kind New Omega Fatty Acid Formulation
SUPER EPA + DHA + GLA delivers active doses of both plant and fish based Omega fatty acids in this innovative high health nutritional supplement.
This product is manufactured in the United States using only FDA approved production processes.
Reviews (1)
Quality |
Nice Cardiovascular Supplement!
Quality 12/06/2018TYTiffany YanI bought this supplement last year for my dad, who is suffering from cardiovascular disease, fatty liver and other problems related to obesity. He took this for six months continuously and the test result have shown a lower cholesterol level in his blood! It is very effective for my dad. I purchased six bottles this year again.
Recommended use: For adults, take 3 softgels per day with/after food or as directed by health care consultant.