The raw material, plant-based sources of calcium with such high levels of the minerals made into Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 is uniquely harvested from seaweed off the coast of Iceland, A multi-mineral complex containing calcium, magnesium and 72 other trace marine minerals absorbed from the clean surrounding seawater of Iceland.
The ingredient’s unique porous honey combed sea vegetative cell structure provides significant benefits of bioavailability into the body.
The elements contained are at trace quantities and insignificant alone, but with a multi-mineral matric they work synergistically and give a powerful boost to the action of the calcium and magnesium.
Based on 33 peer reviews made into research over the last 10 years, the ingredient of Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 has been shown to improve mobility and stiffness associated with bone health concerns by inhibiting NF-kB and COX-2 activity.
In result it reduces the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis. This paper details the studies undertaken thus far in the area of joint health.
Reducing PTH Hormone Levels - Responsible for Releasing Calcium From Bone
Researchers at the University of Colorado have identified that calcium ingredient sourced from the red algae (Lithothamnion Calcareum) can suppress the release of the PTH hormone!
Elevated levels of this hormone later in life are believed to be responsible for causing calcium loss and osteoporosis (particularly during menopause). The researchers identified that the calcium ingredients found in Calcium-Magnesium reduced PTH levels by close to 25%!!
Naturally Produced Calcium ingredient of Calcium-Magnesium Suppresses the Release of PHT Hormones (A Key Component Involved in the Release of Calcium From Bones)
Active Doses of Medical Grade Magnesium Glycinate
Magnesium is a key element involved in bone health, with over 60% of all Magnesium in the body being found in bones. This essential mineral contributes to bone strength, mineralization and, it plays a large role in correct calcium absorption by activating the compound directly involved in Calcium processing (Vitamin D3 - see below). Insufficient Magnesium can therefore result in low calcium absorption (meaning the body is not incorporating enough calcium into the body which may lead to osteoporosis and/or the toxic build up of unabsorbed calcium!)
Magnesium also stimulates calcitonin, a hormone that helps preserve bone structure, draw calcium out of the blood and draw soft tissues back into the bones. This activity lowers risk for developing osteoporosis, heart disease, some types of arthritis and kidney stones.
Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 is made with Magnesium Glycinate, a medical grade compound produced in the USA. Some of the Magnesium in Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 is also plant based, having been accumulated by the algae Lithothamnion Calcareum.
Medical professionals recommend taking Magnesium with Calcium explaining that, without a careful balance of the two, excess unabsorbed calcium can lead to serious health complications!
"If we consume too much calcium without sufficient magnesium, not only will we create stress within the body but the excess calcium won't be utilized correctly and may become toxic"
--Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, Magnesium expert and medical director of the Nutritional Magnesium Association
Magnesium Supplements Increase Bone Strength
A study from Japanese researchers that involved rats suffering from weak bone health, compared the effects of low and high Magnesium supplementation on bone strength. They found rats receiving a higher dose of Magnesium had significantly stronger bones. In fact the energy needed to cause a break was higher than that needed even for rats with healthy bones!
Increased Levels of Magnesium Supplementation Improves Bone Strength to Normal Levels in Rats With Poor Bone Health
A Synergistic Formulation With Vitamin D3
Vitamin D plays an extremely important role in Calcium absorption and calcium storage in bones. Vitamin D is produced naturally by the body in response to sunlight exposure. Unfortunately, most people presently struggle to generate adequate Vitamin D levels from the sun and regular diet. Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 compliments the body's in take from the sun and diet, ensuring it gets the amounts required for regular function and bone health.
- Muscle signaling (contracting and relaxing)
- Digestive health
- Nutrient absorption and utilization
- Blood circulation
- Brain health
- Heart health
- General cellular health and overall wellbeing of the body
Synergistic Enhancement of Calcium Absorption and Bone Health with Vitamin D3
Packed With Over 90 Essential Trace Minerals!!
Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 is a rich source of many different essential trace minerals (over 90!!), each of these take part in various essential functions within the body, often needing to work together. Because these minerals are taken from one natural source, Cali-Mag synergistically enhances the body's overall function rather than focusing on a single aspect of health (this helps maintain the body's natural 'mineral homeostasis').
A key advantage of using a calcium supplement from an organic Ocean source is the co-accumulation of over 90 essential trace minerals. In a clinical study from researchers at the University of California found the calcium supplements, with the addition of trace minerals, worked significantly better than those with calcium alone. In fact, this treatment displayed improvement to bone density rather than simply reducing the amount of density loss!!!
Combination Treatment with Calcium and Trace Minerals Not Only Reduces Bone Mineral Density Loss But Increases It!
The Superior Bio-availability of Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3
A key aspect to supplemental Calcium overlooked by most supplement manufacturers is the difficulty the body has in absorbing the mineral. Traditional Calcium supplement absorption has been shown to be as low as 1% (That's just 10mg of calcium from a giant 1 gram pill!!).The remaining excess Calcium can cause problems in the body putting strain on the gut and kidneys as they try to process the left over calcium. Cali-Mag has been specially formulated into smaller, easier to swallow and digest, capsules containing the optimal combination of ingredients for maximum absorption and effectiveness.
Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 has superior Bio-Availability
Made With Natural Sources
One benefit to using a natural organic source of Calcium is its superior bio-availability over other inorganic sources. Because it is collected and processed organically, the Calcium in Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 is chelated with (or bound to) natural compounds that are easily recognizable for the human body. This greatly assists the absorption rate during digestion and promotes accessibility for efficient use in bone health and regular body functioning.
Similarly, Magnesium Glycinate is a cheated compound that mimics the body's natural formation of Magnesium. This makes it easily and highly absorbable. Additionally, the structure of plant based calcium differs from its raw element equivalent. Because it is organically collected the calcium in Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 is very porous structure (unlike the very compact nature of raw Calcium), this effectively increases the surface area for Calcium in Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 making it easier for the body to digest.
Synergistically Formulated to Enhance Absorption
The unique combination of ingredients found in Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3g was scientifically selected to maximize its absorption and effectiveness. This synergistic action helps ensure Vision Smart Center clients get the best value for money and strongest results from their bone health supplement.
Pure Ocean Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3: Made with the Highest Quality, Purist, Safest and Most Effective Ingredients sourced from clean Iceland. The Purest and Most Bio-Available Source of Organic Calcium and with more than 70 trace minerals from the pristine pure sea water of Iceland. Containing the raw pure minerals found in algae rock, the main ingredients of calcium, magnesium and trace minerals of Vision Smart Center supplement are sustainably extracted from a rare sea water algae (Lithothamnion Calcareum).Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 is proven safe from heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium and Mercury.
1. Why Do We Need Calcium?
Calcium is the key mineral found in our bones and teeth, giving them their hardness. It is also involved in signaling from the brain to the body, muscle activation and helping blood move around the body.
2. What If We Don't Get Enough?
Without enough calcium the body instead removes some that is stored in the bones. Long term this causes a drop in 'Bone Mineral Density' (BMD) which increases the risk of fractures and osteoporosis plus, causes the spine to collapse (reducing height with age). During menopause, hormonal changes can also cause rapid loss of calcium from the bone in women.
In 2014, osteoporosis and low bone mass at the hip, spine and wrist affected an estimated 55 million older US adults of over 50 years, which was more than 55% of over 50 years old. It is surprisingly estimated by WHO that the incidence is set to increase four-fold by 2050 because of the increasing numbers of older people in the world. These bone problems will be caused by lack of taking enough proper nutrition such as calcium and vitamin D3 plus of the necessity of resistance physical exercise daily.
3. What Is Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3?
Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 is an advanced formulation designed to preserve and strengthen bone density plus, synergistically enhance the effectiveness of other supplements taken with Cali-Mag!
4. High Quality and Highly Active Ingredients
The unique combination of Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D3 plus over 90 trace minerals, is the ideal formulation for preserving and strengthening bones. Each ingredient has been carefully selected for purity, safety and most importantly effectiveness.
Plant based 'Naturally Chelated' Calcium
Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 calcium is sustainably sourced from a rare red algae that grows off the pristine shores of Iceland: Lithothamnion Calcareum. Unlike most other calcium supplements that contain inorganic forms of calcium, Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 calcium has been naturally chelated (coupled with protein) by the algae, and is more porous in structure. This makes Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 calcium far easier to absorb and digest in the human body than regular calcium supplements.
Active Vitamin D3
The most important role of Vitamin D3 in the body is its role in adding calcium to bone. Taking this vitamin with calcium ensures the body efficiently incorporates calcium into the bone.
Medical Grade Magnesium Glycinate
Over 60% of the Magnesium in our bodies is found in our bones, contributing to their strength and mineralization. Magnesium also activates Vitamin D3 to start incorporating calcium into the bone. In addition, taking too much calcium can reduce the body's Magnesium levels making it even more important to include Magnesium in any Calcium supplement! The Magnesium in Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 has been expertly chelated to Glycinate molecules using advanced production techniques. This greatly helps improve Magnesium absorption by the body.
Essential Trace Minerals
Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 contains over 90 trace minerals, naturally collected and chelated by the algae Lithothamnion Calcareum. Each of these minerals has close relationships with each other's activity (including calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper). Taking them together helps ensure correct utilization of calcium and improves calcium incorporation into bone (scientifically shown to increase Bone Mineral Density (BMD).
Instruction For Use
For Adults, take 3 tablets/day with food.
What does Vision Smart Center do to ensure the quality of VSC products?
1. Premium Quality of Raw Materials (Purity, Safety and potency)
Vision Smart Center uses the world's most reputable ingredients suppliers and GMP certified manufacturing facilities for all ingredients and VSC Products. Our Operation Team scientifically selects and uses only premium quality ingredients that go into VSC supplements. Those ingredients are strictly selected not from cost but only from purity, potency, scientific research data.
2. Scientifically Supported
Vision Smart Center uses ingredients and dosages that accurately replicate the most successful results obtained in scientific studies for maximum efficacy. Our Research Team assesses quality published clinical research for each ingredient and their health benefits. Each ingredient is then carefully selected by formulation experts and research specialists for their synergistic effectiveness.
3. Safely and Ethically Produced
Vision Smart Center is in strict compliance with GMP standard for manufacturing, packaging and storage. Our Production Team has strict ethical guidelines: Ingredients and products must comply with environmental policies, be sustainably produced, environmentally friendly, and not to take advantage of any people.
4. VSC Product Guaranteed
Vision Smart Center strictly implements the additional third party testing to confirm and ensure that products meet VSC’s high standards for purity, safety and efficacy.
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Quality 09/10/2020SStevenHigh quality and readily absorbable