Women's Sparkle
Women's Sparkle Women's Sparkle Women's Sparkle Women's Sparkle

Women's Sparkle

There are so many available remedies to reduce symptoms of menopause. Why you should Choose Women’s Sparkle?

Expertly and proprietarily formulated with the powerful components of cassis anthocyanins, GLA, triterpene glycosides, tocotrienols to help support comfortable monthly PMS, immune boosting, stress support, joint & muscle health, healthy menopause support and hormone health for healthy life style pursuing women.

Availability: Out of stock

Heatlh Benefits
Supplement Facts

Daily Dosage (more information in "specification")
120 Vegetable gels per bottle, 4 gels per day Best Quality ingredients clinically tested for all the ingredient.

100% Vegan Friendly Vegetable Capsules!!
Unlike almost all other gel capsules, which are made from bovine or pig products, Women's Sparkle gel capsules are 100% vegetable based. Making them ideal for people with vegetarian and vegan lifestyles!

This advanced Vegan Friendly formula of Women's Sparkle helps to:

1.  Enhanced Treatment of the Following Symptoms

  • Cramps 
  • Breast Tenderness 
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 
  • Joint Pain and Fortifying bone strength 
  • Hot Flashes 
  • Night Sweats 
  • Weight gain 
  • Hair Loss

2.  Address the Causes of Symptoms

  • Hormone balance and regulation   
  • Reduces inflammation 
  • Fights free radicals 

3.  Support Long Term Health and Wellness

  • Bone and joint health 
  • Cardiovascular health 
  • Improves energy and passion for life 
  • Improved blood circulation 
  • Long term cellular health  

These benefits are achieved with the inclusion traditional medicine Black Cohosh plus, the advanced active ingredient Tocotrienol (an ingredient scientifically shown to possess powerful health effectiveness of Tocotrienol family). Together these ingredients work with the same high quality Blackcurrant Seed Oil and Blackcurrant Anthocyanins VSC customers came to appreciate in Women's Sparkle!

The Improved effectiveness of Women's Sparkle!

1. Do You Suffer From the Women's Health Problems Below?

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) Caused by fluctuations in normal hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone) ahead of menstruation. Symptoms include: pain, discomfort, inflammation, bloating, breast tenderness and acne Menopause Caused by a significant drop in Estrogen production signaling the end of a women's fertility. Symptoms include: hot flushes, night sweats, increased anxiety or irritability, low energy and pain during intercourse.

Hair loss during menopause!

BLACKCURRANT SEED OIL and ANTHOCYANINS support to inhibit the production of 5 alpha reductase to stop DHT, the main cause of hair loss, and TOCOTRIENOLS help to reduce lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress in the scalp, which is known to induce hair growth.

2. What is Women's SparkleTM

Women's Sparkle is an innovative blend of traditional and modern ingredients, carefully selected from around the world for their unique additive health properties and powerful physiological synergies. This advanced formulation has been specifically designed to help women during PMS and Menopause. The active ingredients in Women's Sparkle include Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA - from Blackcurrant Seed Oil), Black Cohosh (including Triterpene glycosides, saponins and isoflavones), Blackcurrant Anthocyanins (including D3R and C3R) and Tocotrienol. Those four ingredients synergistically formulated for Women’s Sparkle help to regulate women’s hormones and support to relieve menopause related symptoms.

Remark:  It is not recommended during pregnancy because black cohosh may promote menstrual flow or stimulate the uterus. Black cohosh is not recommended during breast-feeding

3. Real Life Testimonials

Read Our Testimonials Here

1. Natures Ingredients Supporting Women's Health

Individually the Women's Sparkle ingredients provide amazing therapeutic effects. When combined, these effects not only accumulate for comprehensive care but, they actually work together in synergy for increased results compared with their individual effects!

Proprietary Formula of Women's Sparkle

Blackcurrant Seed Oil (1,500mg)
GLA (142mg)
Blackcurrant Extract Powder (143mg) 
Black Cohosh (210mg)
4:1 concentrate
2.5% tri-terpene glycosides
Tocotrienol (45mg) 
92% Active Components  

Premium Quality Ingredients

New Zealand Blackcurrant seed oil is safely produced and supplied by Just the Berries PD Corporation. It is one of a few scarce natural sources that contains an active dose of the rare omega fatty acid Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). This key compound plays important roles in hormone signaling and regulation, anti-inflammation, tear formation and weight management. While this omega oil is usually produced in the body factors such as diet, lifestyle and pollution have meant most people do not produce enough. Women in particular produce lower amounts of GLA during their menstrual cycle, a factor many believe contributes to hormone fluctuations and inflammation causing discomfort. Supplemental GLA has been clinically shown, and used throughout Europe for many years, to help support women during menstruation and menopause providing relief to inflammation, dry eye, breast pain, weight gain and more!

Blackcurrant Anthocyanins is safely and purely manufactured by Just the Berries PD Corporation with the usage of premium quality Blackcurrant organically grown in New Zealand. They are different from most other berry anthocyanin extracts because they contain a very high proportion (~80%) of Cyanidin-3-Rutinoside and Delphinidin-3-Rutinoside (C3R and D3R). These unique anthocyanins have many unique health properties that help women during their menstrual cycle and during menopause. Health benefits include: preventing oxidative stress, helping with mood changes plus improving cardiovascular health and blood circulation. These effects not only help women as they transition through monthly and menopausal changes, but also work synergistically to improve the effectiveness of each of the other Women's Sparkle ingredients The unique health properties mentioned, plus many others, have led Blackcurrants to be named 'The King of Berries' throughout Europe for hundreds of years.

Black Cohosh, a root extract, used by Native Americans for centuries (and in Europe since the 1950's) to ease PMS and Menopause symptoms such as irritability, pain and discomfort, hot flushes, cramps and bloating. More recently this herbal medicine has also been examined in clinical studies validating these health effects and is now recommended by many medical specialists as a natural treatment for women and a potential alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapies (HRT's). It is believed these amazing therapeutic effects are the result of Estrogen like compounds and tri-terpine glycosides that are naturally found in Black Cohosh.

Tocopherol, due to their unique chemical structure of the below, tocotrienols provide potent antioxidant benefits throughout the body. Most importantly, tocotrienols shield DNA from oxidant damage while protecting cellular membranes. As research continues to accelerate, scientists are discovering that tocotrienols support healthy cell division, promote a healthy lipid profile, protect brain function, and even support healthy hair growth. The unique preparation of four different tocopherols, providing potent antioxidant benefits for human body, improve blood vessel wall function and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and protect brain health.

Tocotrienol Structure:

Tocotrienols (92%) of Women's Sparkle

Active constituents:

  • Total vitamin E 
  • Total tocopherol 
  • d-Alpha 
  • Total tocotrienol d-Gamma 
  • d-Delta
  • d-Alpha

2. Instruction For Use

Simply take 2 Women's Sparkle gels twice per day after food, this will help to improve bio-availability health benefit.

3. The Three Main Reasons People Choose Women SparkleTM

Before selection for use in our supplements, each ingredient must meet strict criteria ensuring its safety, quality and effectiveness. Together these ingredients form

Each ingredient in Women's Sparkle has been carefully selected and sourced from top quality providers. Using extraction methods that meet the strictest quality and safety guidelines set by the FDA and international regulators.

VSC selects only state-of-the-art manufactures who are specialized in the production of each ingredient to ensure each ingredient is top quality. To guarantee the quality, Vision Smart Center insists on additional third party testing on each ingredient before agreeing to use any of them in the formula.

Each ingredient in Women's Sparkle has been well studied and characterized for their powerful health effects. Including clinical data and well documented traditional use. In addition, each ingredient has been carefully selected for its powerful combination synergies, working together for even higher effectiveness!

What does Vision Smart Center do to ensure the quality of VSC products?

1. Premium Quality of Raw Materials (Purity, Safety and potency)

Vision Smart Center uses the world's most reputable ingredients suppliers and GMP certified manufacturing facilities for all ingredients and VSC Products. Our Operation Team scientifically selects and uses only premium quality ingredients that go into VSC supplements. Those ingredients are strictly selected not from cost but only from purity, potency, scientific research data.

2. Scientifically Supported

Vision Smart Center uses ingredients and dosages that accurately replicate the most successful results obtained in scientific studies for maximum efficacy. Our Research Team assesses quality published clinical research for each ingredient and their health benefits. Each ingredient is then carefully selected by formulation experts and research specialists for their synergistic effectiveness.

3. Safely and Ethically Produced 

Vision Smart Center is in strict compliance with GMP standard for manufacturing, packaging and storage. Our Production Team has strict ethical guidelines: Ingredients and products must comply with environmental policies, be sustainably produced, environmentally friendly, and not to take advantage of any people.
4. VSC Product Guaranteed
Vision Smart Center strictly implements the additional third party testing to confirm and ensure that products meet VSC’s high standards for purity, safety and efficacy.

Reviews (7)

    K. I.
    I'm happy to tried this product
    I been taking this for awhile now
    It really help with my mood and some other women's issues
    Works great for womens!!!!
  • Exelente producto
    Estoy Feliz de haber probado esto.
    Lo he estado tomando por un tiempo y realmente trabaja.
    Me ha ayudando mucho con mi estado de animo y otros problemas de mujeres.
    Realmente lo recomiendo.
  • 女性の味方 women’s sparkle✨
    Kate in Newport Beach
    40代になって現れた様々な不調が嘘のように軽減されました。排卵日、生理前の不調や不眠、不安定になる感情などが安定するのを感じましたし、肌に艶とハリが戻ってきました。25年エステティシャンをしていて仕事柄いろんなサプリを試す機会が沢山ありますが、正直サプリで変化を感じる事はありませんでした。しかし、このWomen's sparkleの効果は本当に驚きました。クライアント達にも勧めるようになり皆さんもその効果喜んでいます。よりエネルギーを感じ疲れにくい。 ぐっすり寝れるようになった。感情が安定する。不純だった生理が整った。などの声が多数です。そして、皆さんの肌が綺麗になっていくのを担当エステティシャンとして実感しています。自分自身も40代半ばに入りこれから更年期を迎えて行きますが、このWomen's sparkleがあるので心強いです。
  • Great product
    Great product
  • It helps women sparkle ! Highly recommended
    43 year old woman

    I started taking Women’s Sparkle in the summer of 2018 and I love it. At first, I didn’t notice any changes until after a month. I started getting lots of compliments with my skin. It was sparkling just like the name! Also, after that first month I noticed that I’m happier and more focused every day I take them. My PMS definitely is controlled better with it as well. It helps me calm down when I feel anxious or when I am upset. My husband noticed the changes when I took Women’s Sparkle, too. Now, he asks me to take this supplement right away, whenever I am irritated... As for my physical look now - after few years with Women’s Sparkle - I have less wrinkles and less dark spots on my skin. Moreover, it worked on my grey hair. After I had a baby, I used to have one grey hair which came back over and over. But now, I notice it never comes back anymore. I feel my overall health is better and I definitely recommend this supplement to all women.

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Recommended use: 2 vegetable softgels twice per day or as directed by health care consultant.

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