Vision Health

8 Nutrients To Optimize Your Eye Health

Our eyes are something we usually take for granted. However, as we age, eyesight often grows dim. You don’t have to be a grandparent to experience age-related eye conditions.  Some even develop in the early to mid-forties. One of the earliest vision problems you may notice is the inability to see clearly at close distances. 

Antioxidants and Vision Health: Differentiating Between Fact and Fiction

When you first learned about oxidation, you were likely given examples that were easy to visualize.  You may have been taught that oxidation transforms iron to rust, tarnishes silver, and turns fresh apples brown within minutes of slicing. Oxidation can also have detrimental effects on your body. Oxidative stress caused by free radicals damages cell


Watery eyes (or epiphora) is a result of  persistently or excessive tear production. This can be caused by a number of different factors including: problems with the tear production glands, inflammation of your eyes or inadequate drainage of your normal tears. Supplementation with blackcurrant extracts have a number of biological activities that can help relieve


Photophobia is a condition whereby sufferers eyes are very sensitive to light. This can cause pain and discomfort (including red glare and pounding headaches) particularly under bright conditions. This condition can be caused by: damage to the eyes, illness, brain injury or natural eye disorders. Blackcurrant anthocyanins are able to help with this condition by